So it has been a long time since we have written. About a year but we would like to introduce our newest little baby. Mason Wenlock Empie born May 8, 2011 at 12:57am he was determined to be born on Mothers Day. Mason is a mellow fellow who liked to look around and he likes his brother and sister. He waited for dad to be done with his finals and mom had things all squared away with her projects. It was a long labor starting at 3am on Saturday.

I went and had a pedicure, attended a Kentucky Derby party, walk the mall and Wade was able to go to the movies. All while the contractions were only 30 minutes apart. Lets just say it was a long day of contractions and when we finally made it to the hospital we slept between contractions and when they told us it was time to push we both were to tired to push but thankfully two pushes was all that was needed to get baby Mason out. Sunny side delivery is terrible that is when the baby comes out facing up instead of down. We are glad to have him and wanted to share with everyone.
